- Editorial desing
- Creative Direction: Daniela Nicholson
- Graphic Design: Jose Bernal, Daniela Nicholson, Cristian Madalengoytia, Wili Dávalos
- Real Estate
10 years passed by since Building Walls, one of the best positioned housings in Lima, started designing and building some of the most charismatic buildings in he city. Armando is a client that we know deeply and that’s what allows us to “read their mind”. They challenge us, they let us put forward different things and they dare to have fun.
We had a workshop with Armando’s team to define what had they learnt in these first 10 years of life. From there we got phrases that we could use as an starting point to create the present they sent to their clients and friends: A set of notebooks with what they learnt. The cover of every notebook answered to the phrase you could find inside. Clients and friends loved the notebooks. We love Armando for letting us design something like that.

- Editorial desing
- Real Estate
- Creative Direction: Daniela Nicholson
- Graphic Design: Jose Bernal, Daniela Nicholson, Cristian Madalengoytia, Wili Dávalos