- Branding
- Naming
- Creative Direction: Daniela Nicholson
- Designer: René Sánchez
- Project Manager: Fátima Bernal
- Educatión
- Technology
Only 30% of professionals in the technology area are women. Código M is born to change that. It is an initiative created by the tireless team at Laboratoria, which proposes monthly, virtual and free meetings to invite more Latin American women to discover the thousands of possibilities that exist for them in the digital world.
Código M is the name we gave to this space for conversation and learning. The visual identity was based on a personality that seeks to generate impact, transmit energy, courage and challenge. Thank you Laboratoria for trusting us again! A team of very humane people who fill us with energy and hope at every meeting.
This project was developed together with our great friend and great designer René Sánchez.
If you are a woman and want to know more, visit the link in this publication and sign up to participate in these events. They could change your life. https://www.codigom.la/

- Branding
- Naming
- Educatión
- Technology
- Creative Direction: Daniela Nicholson
- Designer: René Sánchez
- Project Manager: Fátima Bernal