- Branding
- Web Desing
- Creative Direction: Daniela Nicholson
- Design Direction: Jose Bernal
- Graphic Design: Cristian Madalengoitia
- Professional Services
ESPAC101 is an architecture studio specialized in offices. We proposed a simple and smart logo. A warm and different color, as their way of treating clients and solving their projects. In addition, technical drawings with elements that a decorator knows how to mix to create comfortable work spaces with much personality.
On top of working on the Visual Identity, we worked the voice tone and key messages of the brand. That’s how this phrase appeared: “Offices for mondays to be not so hard, and fridays to be not so long”.

- Branding
- Web Desing
- Professional Services
- Creative Direction: Daniela Nicholson
- Design Direction: Jose Bernal
- Graphic Design: Cristian Madalengoitia