- Rebranding
- Creative Direction: Daniela Nicholson
- Design Direction: Jose Bernal
- Graphic Design: Alejandra Maxera
- Project Manager: Michelle Núñez
A team of architects who fell in love with visualization in three dimensions, that is Visualiza. They make visible what other architects have in mind, and work to achieve the desired “wow” effect when a project is still just a plan.
They asked us to re-design their brand. We start by understanding how they work and what makes them different. In this way we were able to define their personality and reflect it on a visual level: professional, tidy, perfectionist, versatile and efficient.
A typographic logo, a visible grid and yellow as a differentiating color. It had to be a sober but attractive brand, leave space for their projects (architectural visualizations) to show off. This was the result.

- Rebranding
- Creative Direction: Daniela Nicholson
- Design Direction: Jose Bernal
- Graphic Design: Alejandra Maxera
- Project Manager: Michelle Núñez