- Branding
- Packaging
- Environmental Design
- Creative Direction: Daniela Nicholson
- Design Direction: Paulo Novoa, Jose Bernal
- Graphic Design: Cristian Madalengoitia
- Architecture: masunostudio
- Landscape: Luis Barreto
- Murals: Jade Rivera + Valentino Sibadón
- Stairway Poetry: Renato Cisneros
- Photography: Andrea Gianella
- Restaurants
Lima Cafe represents Lima from yesterday, from today but most importantly, Lima from the future. The Lima that we want. That was the starting point to build this cafe identity. And, how is that Lima that we want? It is clean, organized and green. It doesn’t erase murals from their walls, but invites art and artists. It’s fun, educated, poetic. It’s kind, and, of course: super tasty!
The symbol we designed is a bold L letter, where Creole Lima, Cholo Lima and Middle-Class Lima coexist. As Renato Cisneros wrote on the tenth step of the stair. We had a great time being a part of this project and we keep on enjoying the result everytime we visit what, for us (and probably for many, many more), is the most beautiful Cafe of the City.

- Branding
- Packaging
- Environmental Design
- Restaurants
- Creative Direction: Daniela Nicholson
- Design Direction: Paulo Novoa, Jose Bernal
- Graphic Design: Cristian Madalengoitia
- Architecture: masunostudio
- Landscape: Luis Barreto
- Murals: Jade Rivera + Valentino Sibadón
- Stairway Poetry: Renato Cisneros
- Photography: Andrea Gianella