- Rebranding
- Packaging
- Creative Direction: Daniela Nicholson
- Design Direction: Jose Bernal
- Graphic Design: Amanda Kuniyoshi y Alejandra Maxera
- Fashion
Empowered women making sustainable fashion, with a lot of attitude and even more responsibility; that’s Estrafalario. When the client looked for us to re-strengthen their brand, they came with a business that was already working, things were clear, creativity and a lot of passion.
Estrafalario proposes clothes with attractive designs and forceful messages. It gives work to women in vulnerable situations and uses fabric balances to counteract the pollution caused by the textile industry when it is not responsible.
Our job consisted of ordering the brand and reflecting its attributes in its visual identity. Propose a different graphic style that is easy to recognize. We are inspired by their way of being and doing things.

- Rebranding
- Packaging
- Fashion
- Creative Direction: Daniela Nicholson
- Design Direction: Jose Bernal
- Graphic Design: Amanda Kuniyoshi y Alejandra Maxera