- Branding
- Creative Direction: Daniela Nicholson
- Design Direction: Jose Bernal
- Graphic Design: Will Dávalos
- Photography Art Direction: Paulo Novoa
- Photography: Hilda Melissa Holguín
- Food and beverage
Coconut water, straight from the coconut. So simple, so primitive. Happy Coco is one of the most fun projects that we have worked on. The brand that was born with the desire to make company to people that enjoys the simple things of life, like going to the beach, listening to music, dancing, doing sports.
The challenge was to design an identity that didn’t compete with the package so perfectly natural as it is the coconut itself that, after going under a peeling process, comes out as you can see in the pictures.

- Branding
- Food and beverage
- Creative Direction: Daniela Nicholson
- Design Direction: Jose Bernal
- Graphic Design: Will Dávalos
- Photography Art Direction: Paulo Novoa
- Photography: Hilda Melissa Holguín