- Packaging
- Creative Direction: Daniela Nicholson
- Design Direction: Jose Bernal
- Illustration: Maria Boada
- Food and beverage
Making chocolate is an art, that’s what we learned from Q’uma. Francesca, its founder, has traveled all Peru to meet the farmers that are now their suppliers. In those trips she decided to create the Origins collection, that pays tribute to the earth from which cacao comes from.
Cacao is gold and Q’uma is the artisan that works carefully until it turns it into a jewel. That’s what we wanted to portray with this design. Three chocolates, three origins, three stories: Junin, Cusco and Amazonas. We illustrated the people, flora and wildlife; with free, organic traces and watercolor strokes, we used foil (golden ink) to add class.

- Packaging
- Food and beverage
- Creative Direction: Daniela Nicholson
- Design Direction: Jose Bernal
- Illustration: Maria Boada